Won 6-3








Michael Hart, Chris Jenkins, Brad Keenes, Mark Laurence, Ashley Tatum and Tim Thomas

Michael Hart and Mark Laurence

  • lost to KCS 1 0-6
  • beat KCS 2 6-3, 6-4
  • lost to KCS 3 5-7

Chris Jenkins and Ashley Tatum

  • beat KCS 1 7-6, 6-4
  • beat KCS 2 6-2, 6-0
  • beat KCS 3 6-1

Brad Keenes and Tim Thomas

  • lost to KCS 1 1-6, 2-6
  • beat KCS 2 6-0
  • beat KCS 3 6-0, 6-0

On a beautifully sunny September day, the Pubs took on KCS, Wimbledon on their newly laid courts at the school.

The first round consisted of three contrasting length matches.  Tim and Brad were able to despatch the KCS 3rd Pair in quick order without losing a game.  Michael & Mark also finished quickly and declared a victory.  Meanwhile Ash and Jenks were engaged in a battle royal with the KCS 1st pair.  After over an hour, they sneaked the first set 7-4 in the tiebreak and then started the second set, much to the surprise of Michael and Mark who hadn’t realised the first round was meant to be two sets.  Fortunately Ash and Jenks got the job done in the second set by a score of 6-4 and after their unintentional mid-set “heat rule break” of 30 minutes, Mark and Michael won their second set 6-3, exactly as they had won the first.  This meant the Pubs had established a 3-0 lead.

All was going to plan – until the second round.  The KCS first pair triumphed over Pubs 3 by a score of 6-1, 6-2 and KCS 3 recovered from their double bagel in round one to defeat Pubs 1sts.  Luckily, Pubs 2nds kept things on track by beating KCS 2nds 6-2, 6-0.  So after two rounds, the Pubs led 4-2.

Round 3 saw a speedy win for KCS 1st against Pubs 1sts and hopes were raised for the home team.  Happily for the Pubs, both the remaining matches went the way of the visitors, cementing a 6-3 victory.

Our thanks for KCS for hosting us once again for a most enjoyable fixture.

Ashley Tatum – PSOBLTA Match Manager


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